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We Need Your Support!

At the heart of our mission is the generosity of wonderful donors like you. Your contributions play a crucial role in sponsoring students’ education and equipping us with the resources we need for our mission trips. Plus, you’ll receive a tax-deductible receipt for your gift. Thank you for being a part of our community and making a difference!

Immediate Needs

Each year, we undertake numerous projects, and by donating to the ones listed below, you can make an immediate impact!

We just got back from Mexicali, and we made wonderful progress on the church building, but now we need your help to finish the job so that the church can open next year and receive their community with open arms.

We are working on building a new facility where we can work to restore and transform lives. We also envision using this property to teach people how to build and have a useful trade.

Help Us Continue to Do the Work of Christ!

We work to build and restore over five churches annually, and we need your support! Your donation will help provide many more people with a place of worship in their communities.

Sponsor a School

We have had the privilege of building and restoring many schools, both in the US and around the world. Give so that more children can have opportunity for a proper education.

Other Ways to Help Us

Our monthly donors get special services and add-ons only available to them, such as Build and Restore merchandise and virtual tours of our projects. Become a monthly donor today.