Donate to Ukraine

Help the people in Ukraine by donating through Build and Restore International to purchase and mobilize much needed supplies directly to the Ukrainian people.


Build and Restore International is helping deliver urgent humanitarian aid to the vulnerable during Ukraine’s crisis. Our volunteers are in rotation traveling to Poland from the United States. They are ready to assist refugees coming across the border. Some are traveling into Ukraine to bring aid and assistance in some of the western cities.

Prayers are needed for the people of Ukraine, as well as for our volunteers who are serving.
Where there is evil to destroy, God sends his soldiers to Build and Restore.


Update #11

Even though the news has been fairly quiet regarding the war in Ukraine, it is still ravaging the lives of the local people. Most of the world is celebrating the New Year and welcoming it with joy and gladness. But for the people in Ukraine, they are praying for this war and devastation to end. They are looking for food, for warmth, for hope. Hope that tomorrow will be different, that tomorrow they can rebuild their lives.

From the constant trickle of donations BRI has been receiving, we continue our efforts to help the people. Winter has arrived, and with the constant bombing, many are without power and heat. Our most recent effort was purchasing wool blankets from Switzerland and delivering them to the Ukrainians. As our team distributed them amongst the local, they could see their dreary eyes brighten with the warmth that we are providing them.

Again, we can’t do this without you! Thank you for your continued support!

Updated January 05, 2023

Update #10

We want to thank each one of you for your continued prayers and support in our efforts to help the people of Ukraine. We have continued to ship food, supplies, and transport people out to safe areas. We are especially thankful for your donations of much needed medical supplies!

With the winter season setting in, many will need help to stay warm and have food this winter season. Therefore, we continue to look for supplies to ship to Ukraine from the US and neighboring countries. We sincerely thank you for your prayers and support!

Updated November 10, 2022

Update #9

The last several months have been very busy for our teams in Ukraine. With the purchase of an additional vehicle, we’re able to transport more food, supplies, and passengers. Donations of much needed medical supplies continue to be shipped to Ukraine from the US and neighboring countries. The mobile medical clinics continue to help people in need. Again, we sincerely thank you for your contributions and support!

Along with pictures of the work our teams are conducting, we’ve received more images of some of the devastation the war has brought on. Our hearts are heavy for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Please continue to keep Ukraine in your daily prayers!

Updated September 12, 2022

Update #8

During this past month, our teams have been able to consistently help Ukrainians, thanks to your support! A big need was met when two used ambulances were purchased to help serve Ukrainians unable to visit the clinic. The ambulances staffed with doctors are actively working in serving the needs of the people at this time. We are grateful that you helped make this possible.

Food, medical, and other supplies continue to be distributed to cities and villages all over Ukraine. The people are very grateful and thank you for your contributions.

The devastations of this war are visible all over Ukraine. There is so much pain and grief, so much loss. Your generous contributions are not only fulfilling physical needs but they are also providing strength and hope to those we are serving. Thank you.

Updated April 28, 2022

Update #7

We have a team in Fort Worth and the greater Dallas-Forth Worth (DFW) area leading a project of collecting medical supplies and baby formula donations. Build and Restore International works with direct contacts in Angelia Clinic in Chernivtsi and Kyiv, Ukraine. We supply all donated items directly to Angelia Clinic. 

Due to war in Ukraine there is an immense shortage of baby formula. Many babies are born prematurely, and many mothers do not have any milk supply due to stress. It is one of the most agonizing feelings, not to be able to feed a baby. Our mission is to deliver healthy nutrition to as many babies as possible. Together with Arlington SDA Church and many amazing hearts came together to donate baby formula. 800 pounds of baby formula was donated in a 3 week timeframe! We are amazed with generous donations of 204 cans for baby formula. 800 pounds, (12,800 ounces) will make approximately 3,185 baby bottles.  

Donated baby formula

More donated baby formula

Baby formula packaged up for shipment

Donations of baby formula, packaged for shipment

More boxes of donated baby formula

Boxes full of donated baby formula, ready for shipment

Donated CPR masks and dressings

Our DFW team is also working with medical professionals and accepting medical supplies through an Amazon shop list. Medical professionals, clinics and hospitals were able to donate items such as surgical gowns, shoes, gauze, dressing, banges, antibacterial ointment, facemasks, face shields, syringes, glucose meters and blood sugar/diabetic supplies, IV lines, antibacterial, variety of medications, and more. Also, through Amazon wish list, we continue to receive a variety of medical emergency supplies such as blood clotting powder, iodine, glucose monitors, gauze, chest seal, tourniquets, emergency compression bandages, resuscitation bags, trauma shears, CPR rescue masks, and more.  

Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there is a big need for medical supplies and medications in a variety of sectors throughout Ukraine. All donations collected in the DFW area are delivered directly to our contact in Chernivtsi. This is a particularly good location since the city of Chernivtsi is located in the western part of Ukraine, which became a green zone for many refugees. We are working closely with Angelia Clinic in Chernivtsi, and understand their current needs. Once Angelia clinic receives donations they prioritize and distribute to their sister clinic in Kyiv and hospital in Chernivtsi. Since the war broke out, Algelia clinic began to conduct a mobile clinic that serves villages in the greater region of Chernivtsi. They are able to diagnose, treat patients and provide medications. Also, they gladly agreed to distribute baby formula to those regions as well.  

Donated medical supplies

Donated medical supplies

Donated medical supplies


Donated medical supplies

Thank you all for your continuing support of the people of Ukraine during this difficult time. For the past two weeks, we have been working with many different teams across Ukraine to equip them with much needed supplies. Our volunteers, which include our family and friends still living in Ukraine, have been working around the clock to bring aid and relief to those that are suffering. Trucks and vans are being transported full of supplies into the cities most affected, and are returning full of refugees that are seeking to flee to safer areas.

Again, we thank you for all your generous contributions! They are making a difference!

Updated March 29, 2022

Donated medical supplies

Donated medical supplies

Donated medical supplies

Donated medical supplies

Donated medical supplies

Donated medical supplies

Update #6

For the past two weeks, we have been working with many different teams across Ukraine to equip them with much needed supplies. Our volunteers, which include our family and friends still living in Ukraine, have been working around the clock to bring aid and relief to those that are suffering. Trucks and vans are being transported full of supplies into the cities most affected, and are returning full of refugees that are seeking to flee to safer areas.

Again, we thank you for all your generous contributions! They are making a difference!

Updated March 29, 2022

Boxes of food and supplies being loaded onto a truck for transport

Food and supplies getting sorted out to package into separate relief boxes

Unloading a truck full of food and supplies

Unloading and sorting supplies received

A van loaded and ready to transport

Team members at the medical clinic

Team members with supplies

Loading another van with supplies

Loading a trailer with supplies, in front of the medical clinic in Kyiv

Van pulling the trailer, also loaded with supplies, in front of the medical clinic in Kyiv

Unloading another van full of supplies

A Ukrainian woman receiving a box of food and supplies

A Ukrainian man receiving a box of food and supplies

A Ukrainian woman receiving a box of food and supplies

A Ukrainian man receiving a box of food and supplies

A van loaded with boxes of food and supplies to distribute to locals in need

A bus loaded with boxes of food and supplies to distribute to locals in need

Our team in the medical clinic in Kyiv sorting through donated supplies

A van full of food being unloaded

Another van completely full of boxes of supplies

Update #5

A truck full of food to help the refugees

Unloading a truck load of food

Another truck with food

A Ukrainian unloading food of a truck

Ukrainian volunteers just finishing loading a truck full of food and supplies for transport

Updated March 14, 2022


Thank you for all your generous contributions! Our relief efforts are in full force thanks to your support. We could not have been able to do this without your help! In the next few weeks we will continue to do all we can, even though we might not be posting updates. When new information comes in, we will post it here. Thank you again!

Updated March 12, 2022

The Ukrainian team loading up a van with food and supplies

Another van full of supplies and essentials ready to transport

And yet another van of supplies

Another location loading up more vans with food and supplies

Boxes of food and supplies ready to load into vans

After the food and supplies are dropped off, refugees are picked up and transported to safer locations


A host church organizing supplies that have been donated

Youth and young adults helping with the relief efforts for the refugees

Boxes of bread and food ready to deliver to churches that are hosting refugees

So far we’ve been able to easily provide immediate support for the refugees through food, blankets, clothing, etc. Many local churches have been hosting these people, and are very grateful for the resources we are providing them. The first wave of medical supplies was obtained in Romania and is being transported across the border into Ukraine. We have purchased more medical supplies that have been requested, and they are en route. A medical team of volunteers will be arriving next week in Europe to travel into Ukraine to provide medical support. Thank you so much for your generous donations. We continue to do everything we can to help the people of Ukraine.

Updated March 8, 2022

Unloading and verifying cases of medical supplies for the relief efforts

Unloading food and supplies for the relief efforts of the refugees


Refugees at a train station

We praise God for a successful mission of our first team into Ukraine. They’ve been able to help hundreds of people with basic supplies and transport. We are currently unable to purchase supplies directly in Ukraine because they are all sold out. Our next plan is to purchase in neighboring countries and deliver to Ukraine as soon as possible. It has been a challenge connecting with people on the ground in the midst of this crisis and chaos, and connecting them with the necessary resources. The good news is that we have several contacts we are working with directly, including family members and close friends that are still living there, who are helping with the logistics of bringing in the necessary supplies, as well as helping all the refugees.

We sincerely thank you for all your spiritual and financial support during such a hard time. The people of Ukraine thank you.

Updated March 6, 2022

Delivering water to refugees stranded at the train station

Mobile gas station about ready to leave to war zone

Fuel purchased, ready to deliver to war zones to transport refugees out

Providing water bottles for refugees


Van full of food to transport to those in need.

We are connecting our volunteers with people on the ground in western Ukraine. On the night of March 2, 2022, we have our first group crossing into Ukraine. This group will facilitate in transporting medical and necessary supplies to cities all over western Ukraine, and supporting those that are fleeing from the East.

Van full of supplies to transport to those in need

We also have volunteers providing food and supplies to refugees trying to cross the borders into Poland, Romania, and Moldova. We have locals on the ground assisting in the refugee transport to our refugee outposts all over western Ukraine.

We have churches that are hosting these refugees and providing necessary needs. Many details are still in the process of being figured out as we connect with the locals and find out the best and most efficient ways to assist them.

More updates will be posted here as they are available.

Updated March 2, 2022

If you have any questions, contact us at