Are you part of the story?

Build and Restore International (BRI) was established in early 2016 with the vision to involve volunteers in acts of service in our communities and around the world.  To improve the infrastructure of SDA churches buildings (schools, camps, etc.), without large budgets or complicated organizational efforts.  

It was in August 2015 that Ostap Dzyndra (Founder & President) quit his job to pursue full time ministry work.  Today, the vision has become a reality.  From Sacramento to Los Angles, South Africa, Asia, South America, Central America, and beyond BRI has had the privilege to practice that reality.

Clocking over 52,600 volunteer work hours, miracles have been abounding.  When some promised donations fell through and BRI ran out of money to continue the church building project in South Africa, others donated, enabling us to continue by faith to build and know that God will provide to complete His project.  Then, there was the remodeling of a church school in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Despite receiving no donated funds for the project, BRI left for Las Vegas in faith completely underfunded for the building effort of the project.  God was glorified!  BRI was able to donate over $60,000 in labor and materials, remodeling the school as anticipated when last minute volunteers came to support the project with their labor as well as a very generous donation to cover the cost of building materials and supplies. 

God has been even in all the small of details.  For the August 2017 Soquel campground restoration project approximately 30 gallons of leftover paint was donated.  When mixed, the paint – consisting of six different colors – amazingly matched the existing color of a building that was being painted partially.  We believe the Lord was with us every step of the way.  

These are some of the details that tell a bigger story of faith — the story of God and you.  Are you part of the story?  Join us to tell the next story!

BRI invites you to join us for an upcoming projects, to experience His transforming power of giving self for others. Volunteers are blessed in serving others and are transformed in the process. We give God all the glory for what He has given us for a time such as this.


Ostap Dzyndra
President, BRI

P.S. Please see a short video from one of our recent mission trip projects. 


Hawaii Mission Trip, 2019


Las Vegas Junior Academy, NV 2017